
New EVS Training Video: Advanced use of the place text module

Posted by on Apr 23, 2020 in Announcements, Tips and Tricks, Training | Comments Off on New EVS Training Video: Advanced use of the place text module

In an effort to keep all of our users both entertained and educated during these times, we’ve put together another free training video on advanced use of the place text module. This is the second (permanently free) video in less than a week on powerful but underused EVS modules.As stated in the last announcement, we have made the four Intro Series videos available on YouTube as well as these new training videos on the buildings and place_text modules.I hope that these new training materials will help keep you engaged and fruitfully...

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New EVS Training Video and Changes to Free Access

Posted by on Apr 21, 2020 in Announcements | Comments Off on New EVS Training Video and Changes to Free Access

I hope that you’re all safe and healthy during these times. Almost 4 weeks ago we announced that we were providing Free Access to a large number of our Premium Training Videos. I am very pleased that the response has been overwhelming. For the first time in 4 and a half years that we’ve used to host our training materials, we have dramatically exceeded our bandwidth allotment.In response, I am temporarily making the four Intro Series videos available on YouTube as well as a new training video that I created over the...

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C Tech’s Response to Covid-19: Free Premium Training

Posted by on Mar 24, 2020 in Announcements | Comments Off on C Tech’s Response to Covid-19: Free Premium Training

During this difficult time, we know that many of our customers and prospective users are required to work from home. We won’t remind you to isolate or wash your hands frequently, since we know that our customers are far more educated than the average citizen, and hopefully less narcissistic than the partiers who descended on the beaches 2 miles from my home.We want to help our community in any way we can, so until May 1, 2020 we are offering: The following Premium Video Classes will be FREE to everyone: The 4-part Introduction to Earth...

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Precision Issues in EVS

Posted by on Mar 4, 2020 in Tips and Tricks | Comments Off on Precision Issues in EVS

This is an important subject that is long overdue to be discussed in detail.  There are several aspects of numeric precision that are relevant to EVS and our users, but two in particular warrant a detailed description. Precision of calculations and deliverable results Precision of graphical displays Both topics above are driven by the way that computers represent numbers, therefore we will address first how computers represent Float and Double numbers.  For those of you not familiar with the terms “Float” and “Double” as used in computer...

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Fast Geostatistical Realization

Posted by on Dec 19, 2019 in Announcements | Comments Off on Fast Geostatistical Realization

The next release of Earth Volumetric Studio will also include our Patent Pending Fast Geostatistical Realization™ (FGR™) technology. This is the “secret” that we could not talk about prior to filing the patents.Our Geostatistical Realizations are a significant advancement to industry standard Gaussian Geostatistical Simulations (GGS). A good reference on GGS can be found on ESRI’s website.Traditional GGS provides realizations (potential scenarios) showing how a geostatistical model might vary from the nominal prediction due to the...

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New Features and New Prices!

Posted by on Nov 7, 2019 in Announcements | Comments Off on New Features and New Prices!

Our next software release, likely in early April 2020, will be the biggest in years. The most notable new features include: EVS Presentations – a single file deliverables which allow our customers to provide versions of their Earth Volumetric Studio applications to their clients, who can then modify properties interactively.  For example, allow your clients to: Choose their own plume levels Change Z-Scale and/or Explode distance Move slices or cuts through the model Draw their own paths for (thin_fence) cross-sections Advanced (secret)...

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Free Training Class on Complex Fault Modeling

Posted by on Oct 17, 2019 in Training | Comments Off on Free Training Class on Complex Fault Modeling

I am pleased to announce the release of a new Training Class on Complex Fault Modeling. This 45 minute video explains, in detail, the processes involved in modeling a complex site with 4 faults and 6 fault blocks. This site is modeled using the technique we refer to as Prehistoric Geology, and we cover how to create the prehistoric .GEO file from your current stratigraphic geologic data in order to create a faulted model which honors the continuity of the geologic strata that existed prior to the ancient faulting. This is a free recorded...

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Studio Projects 2019.10

Posted by on Oct 10, 2019 in New Releases, Studio Projects Release | Comments Off on Studio Projects 2019.10

We are pleased to announce the release of Earth Volumetric Studio Projects 2019.10. This release is appropriate for all users of Earth Volumetric Studio 2019.9 and later. We encourage all users to download and upgrade to Earth Volumetric Studio Projects 2019.10.

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EVS Advanced Training Class: How to Edit Stratigraphic Geology

Posted by on Sep 30, 2019 in Announcements | Comments Off on EVS Advanced Training Class: How to Edit Stratigraphic Geology

I am pleased to announce the release of a new EVS Advanced Training Class on How to Edit Stratigraphic Geology a.k.a. How to Develop Stratigraphic Geology from Hand Drawn Cross-Sections. This video workbook covers the techniques to employ the complex texture_geology and edit_horizon modules to their full advantage, and opens up new methodologies for customization of your stratigraphic geologic models.This video has been over one year in the making and is one of the most challenging ones we’ve completed to date. Though these two key...

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Earth Volumetric Studio 2019.9

Posted by on Sep 19, 2019 in EVS Release, New Releases | Comments Off on Earth Volumetric Studio 2019.9

We are pleased to announce the release of Earth Volumetric Studio 2019.9. This release includes important bug fixes as well as improvements to the volumetrics module. We encourage all users to download and upgrade to Earth Volumetric Studio 2019.9.

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