C Tech Development Corporation was founded in 1989 and has been the world leader in Earth Science Modeling software for over 25 years. C Tech has formally applied to be a Signatory to the United Nation’s Global Compact and management personnel have certificates of completion of the UN Global Compact E-learning Course. C Tech’s software provides tools to organizations and governments worldwide which directly support four key goals of the UN Global Compact. These include:
- Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
- Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Goal 14: Life Below Water
- Goal 15: Life On Land
An additional example of our commitment to the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals is that C Tech’s headquarters in Florida uses 100% renewable energy.
HISTORY: In 1989, Reed D. Copsey, Sr. (a graduate of MIT and Caltech) formed C Tech Development Corporation, a research and development company, which has been focused on the development of C Tech’s Earth Science software, Earth Volumetric Studio. C Tech’s software is recognized around the world for environmental, oceanic, archaeology, mining and geologic data analysis and visualization. Mr. Copsey has been involved in three-dimensional data analysis and visualization since 1977 on projects that range from gold mines, Superfund sites and earthquake generated subsidence to analytically guided explosives technology for naval countermine weapon systems as well as other fields of explosives technology. One of those projects was the first successful gun-fired air-launched projectile capable of supercavitating underwater flight in over 20 years of Navy research. It was featured in the May 2001 issue of Scientific American magazine in an article titled Warp Speed Underwater.
In 1995, C Tech was separated into two corporations C Tech Defense Corporation which pursued C Tech’s defense technology and C Tech Development Corporation which is exclusively involved in Earth Sciences. In 1997 Mr. Copsey sold C Tech Defense Corporation to allow him to focus exclusively on C Tech’s Earth Science software.
Mr. Copsey’s role as President and CEO of C Tech Development Corp. includes managing the corporation, architecting the development of C Tech’s software products and managing large consulting programs for clients all over the world. C Tech now has hundreds of customers and thousands of users on all continents of the world. Our Earth Science software is the gold standard for environmental engineering projects, geology, geophysics, oceanography, archaeology, mining and many other fields.