User showcase: KGS Acres
Sherko Sharif – KGS Acres
Cook, G.N.- Manitoba Hydro
- KGS Acres used MVS for a project about 3D Geological and Hydrogeological Modeling with Manitoba Hydro.
As part of stage IV design studies for the proposed Manitoba Hydro Conawapa Generating Station, a 3D geology model
was created. The process involved compiling all information including historical data from old file formats, and dealing
with Conawapa’s unique site location, geology, and groundwater conditions, as well as challenges related to amassing
data collected over many years of investigations. This case study also presents the challenges related to translating the
3D geological model into its equivalent form for groundwater simulation purposes.
The 3D geological model (compiled in MVS ‘Mining Visualization System’ by C Tech) and hydrogeological model
(compiled in FEFLOW ‘Finite Element Flow’ by DHI-WASY) were developed as tools to consolidate and improve the
designer’s ability to visualize all of the available geological and geotechnical information; and to assist with evaluating
and improving confidence in the design. The tools may also provide input for use in environmental studies.
Attached below is a pdf of the article.