Video: New in EVS 2021.4.2

This 40 minute training video is free to everyone and will introduce some of the new (and required) changes to EVS 2021.4.2 and how to best use the C Tech Web Scene viewer.

New EVS Training Video: Advanced use of the place text module

In an effort to keep all of our users both entertained and educated during these times, we’ve put together another free training video on advanced use of the place text module. This is the second (permanently free) video in less than a week on powerful but underused EVS modules.As stated in the last announcement, we have made the four Intro Series videos...

Free Training Class on Complex Fault Modeling

I am pleased to announce the release of a new Training Class on Complex Fault Modeling. This 45 minute video explains, in detail, the processes involved in modeling a complex site with 4 faults and 6 fault blocks. This site is modeled using the technique we refer to as Prehistoric Geology, and we cover how to create the prehistoric .GEO file from your current...

Volumetrics Study: Studio vs. MVS

Prior to the formal release of Studio, we did a comprehensive volumetrics study because we were making significant changes to both volumetrics and subsetting (e.g. plume) modules in Studio.  In that study we looked at our new Studio algorithms compared with MVS as a function of grid resolution. We’ve always known that as you increase the resolution of...

3D Publishing to 3D PDFs in Earth Volumetric Studio

We just put out a new video on 3D Publishing to 3D PDFs in Earth Volumetric Studio using C Tech’s 3D PDF Converter.

Full list of Recorded Online Classes now Available

We have updated our Online and Recorded Classes page to reflect the full list of Recorded Online Classes which are now available for rent.  These are the meticulously edited video recordings of the online classes which were recently held and reflect the functionality of the current version of Earth Volumetric Studio.  The rental of each class includes...